The Coral Banded Shrimp is a very common shrimp found in aquariums. Its body is very prickley and you should use caution not to harm it if using a net. It's body is no longer than three inches and its antennae no longer than 6 inches. The male is shorter than the female. Coral Banded shrimps are normally peaceful but they will attack dying fish and occasional try to snip at small fish swimming by. Some instances have been reported when coral banded shrimps have picked at polyps. Coral Banded Shrimp should not be kepts togetheir unless they are a mated pair. They also should not be kept with other shrimp unless aquarium is large to huge. This shrimp after a few weeks of settling into an aquarium will come out during the daytime. Although when they molt they will stay hidden for 1 to 2 days. Do not keep with fish that may pick at them. Occasionaly (if you are lucky enough) will get a coral banded shrimp that performs the "cleaning" function for your fish in which they pick off dead skin and parasites. Coral Banded Shrimps are senstive to high copper and nitrates so, do not use copper water treatments in your tank. Coral Banded shrimp are scavengers and are very useful to cleaning up your tank. But, you can supplement their diet with a variety of foods, these include flake, frozen and brine shrimp. You might try using Brine Shrimp pellets to lure them out of their caves if you want to see them. Coral Banded Shrimp get a score of 3 out of 5 for the aquarium.